

先日公開したgrpc-gatewayだが、gRPCのメーリングリストで宣伝したらGoogleからフィードバックがあったので対応した。実はGoogleは社内にgrpc-gatewayに似た仕組みを持っていて、RESTful APIとgRPCの...

gRPC-JSON proxy

grpc-gatewayというgRPCからJSON APIへの変換プロキシ生成機を書いた。 これを使えば社内のmicroservicesはgRPCで通信しつつ公開APIはJSON APIで提供する、みたいなことが簡単になる。背景gRPCの良い...

Understanding Go compiler tools (2)

Today I read memory management in go compiler.There are go.y, y.tab.[ch], lex.c and other files in src/cmd/gc/ directory. It seems that the go compiler has a lexical analyzer written by hand and a syntax parser generated by yacc(bison). le…

Understanding Go compiler tools (1)

Recently I read Go lang. I began to understand its structure.How to buildYou can build the go compiler and tools as documented in the official documentation. It is quite easy. But it was confusing for me that I must run ./all.bash instead …